This is referred to when the transfer of funds takes place from diverse accounts into a central account to improve the efficiency of cash management. The consolidation of cash into a single account allows a company to maintain smaller cash…
A secured debt is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. business asset or property) as collateral for the loan, which then becomes a secured debt owed to the creditor, who gives the loan. The debt is thus secured against the collateral…
It’s hard to believe in today’s era, which we live in, customers use checks drawn against checking accounts to make purchases. You can set up checking accounts at bank branches or through a financial institution’s website. To deposit funds…
This refers to profit that results from a sale of a capital asset, such as stock, bond or real estate, where the sale price exceeds the purchase price. The gain is the difference between a higher selling price and a lower purchase price. Conversely…
This refers to a broad area of finance, involving the collection of checks and deposits, handling, and usage of cash. It involves assessing market liquidity, cash flow, and investments. In banking, cash management, or treasury management, is a marketing term for…
A popular valuation metric is “Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization” (EBITDA), for example to valuing unlisted companies and mergers and acquisitions. For an attractive investment, a company competing in a high growth industry…