A real estate investment trust (REIT) is an entity that owns, operates, and or finances income generating real estate. REIT’s pool their capital from investors who would like to invest with them for an attractive rate of return, therefore, individual investors do not need to buy and manage properties themselves.
Various REITs
- Mortgage REITs provide capital to real estate investors either directly through mortgages and loans, or indirectly by acquiring mortgage-backed securities.
- Equity REITs own and operate income producing real estate.
Rates and Terms
Interest rates and terms depend on several important factors in these programs. There are but not limited to:
- Underwriting the location of the subject property
- Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
- Loan-to-Value (LTV)
- Market place of the property. Whether the property is in the metropolitan, urban, suburban, ring, second ring or low-to-mid income community
- Experience of the client
- Quality of the subject property- Age of the property
There are several factors in determining the final pricing and term, actual rate and term will depend on the final underwriting decision.
With many years of experience, solid track record and established relationships with institutional and non-institutional lenders nationwide, Medallion Funds offers wide range of permanent financing options for apartments in high cost as well as secondary and tertiary markets. No matter what your objectives may be, whether to reposition your assets, converting a construction loan into a permanent financing or wanting to correctly capitalize yourself to update your older property, we have financing options for you.
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