A business line of credit or an “LOC” allows you to borrow the exact amount of money you need to help grow your business, when you need it, and without having to re-apply every time you need to borrow. Business loans generally have a set interest rate with a set amount of repayment. A business line of credit lets you borrow up to a certain limit, but only pay interest on the amount you borrow. Normal business loans are often best for one-time investments or major purchases, whereas business lines of credit are better for covering ongoing purchases or expenses. A business line of credit combines some of the advantages of both a standard business loan and a business credit card and tends to offer a higher credit limit than a credit card, but generally offers lower interest rates than a credit card. Like a credit card, a business line of credit is a revolving credit account. A business may borrow as much or as little as you want, based on a pre-determined credit line. You must meet your minimum payments and uphold other requirements of your agreement with our subject lender. Lines of credit may be secured or unsecured. Secured means, you will pledge an asset as collateral, like your house, property and other assets such as accounts receivables.  Unsecured means that there are no collaterals required.

We can secure loans of up to $300,000 for our clients.

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